To cure the prostatitis, of the home, you can use the various decoctions and funds of plant origin. Let's examine more as to cure the prostatitis in men:
The pumpkin seeds.
There are a number of drugs containing the extract of pumpkin seeds. For those who do not want to spend money on expensive medicines for the treatment of prostatitis in men at home, you can use old recipes and make a drug based on pumpkin seeds. According to the studies, for the proper functioning of the prostate of the need to eat about 30 seeds of pumpkin in the day. The zinc content in the plant, the beneficial effects on employment in the male body.
The mixture of pumpkin and the honey will help to cure the prostatitis, do not get out of the house. Mix the ground kilo of puree for pumpkin seeds with one cup of honey. Turn the sorbet into small balls and place in a cool, dark place. Take the inside of the two balls all day. The course of therapy, it is recommended that, within one month of each year.
Aspen bark.
Another effective method of prostate inflammation is used of the decoction of the bark of aspen. Cut the bark in early spring, when the juice in the tree still moves slowly and did not come the swelling of the kidneys. Boil in a liter of boiling water shredded bark and let it sit the drink in a period of 15 days. At the expiration of that period take a tablespoon of the tool to three times per day.
The decoction of the leaves and roots of hazel trees.
Effective for the treatment of prostatitis among men in the home-grout hazel will get rid of the disease within a week after the treatment. To prepare the drink, you need to brew a cup of tools every day and drink four bedroom.
The persil.
This tool efficiently fights against prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate, as well as stagnant phenomena in the pelvic region. A single plant beneficial effect on the potency and improves sperm quality. For the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, you can use the juice of persil thirty minutes before the meal and take a decoction of persil six times per day before meals.
The pear.
A great way of prostatitis is the compote of dried fruits. After a week of regular use of the drink of the groin pain subside, the swelling decreases.
As you know, this kind of root has the most powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Eating a decoction of garlic before eating it, you'll be able to get rid not only of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, but will increase the male potency, so that the main action of the garlic is the improvement of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
The healing properties of honey since time immemorial, are used in folk medicine. For the treatment of prostatitis, you can use the honey of the candle. Mix the honey, egg and flour, roll out the candles and storing them in the fridge. For a successful therapy, it is recommended to apply the medicine twice a day.
This plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hemostatic effect. The most common cause of a drug is the tincture of the plant. Pour the vodka chopped leaves of the plant and let the liquid rest for a week. As soon as the liqueur is ready, use a teaspoon of drink once per day.
Tincture of celandine.
The juice of this plant has antibacterial action. The call unable to use, you can get burns to the skin or mucous membranes. To prepare the tincture must pay ones are broken the plant with alcohol, and dilute with water. The course of treatment leaves at 60 days, at the expiration of a period should be to take a break and make a new therapy in 10 days.
The liqueur of sweet chestnut.
The substances entering into the composition of plants, strengthen blood vessels, purify the blood, improves the blood circulation in the pelvic region. The chestnut effectively thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots. Vitamins c and E have antioxidant effects and is eliminated from the body of the toxins and decay products, the vitamin a Has a preventive action against prostate cancer. The zinc, chromium and boron, contained in the chestnut, to improve the functioning of the sex glands, repairing of the detonation, a native of the function of the men.
The decoction of chestnut should take 30 drops before meals. The treatment course is divided in three steps with intervals of 10 days.
The conifers of the tub.
To eliminate the inflammation and relieve the pain, you can use conifers, troughs. Pour into a basin of water At 37°c, add the conifer the grout in a small amount, and perform the procedure every day for 20 minutes.
Of the physiotherapy.
To improve the circulation in the basin every day, it is recommended to perform a complex exercise:
Perform 10 squat deep every morning.
- In supine position, it should do three sets of 20 selected feet, make exercise "scissors".
- The worsening of the disease, lie on your back, roll your bent legs to the stomach and press down firmly on the hands. Observe the stillness in this pose for 20 minutes. Such measures are to be effectively relieve pain and discomfort in the groin area.
- In a standing position, make a movement of rotation of a pelvis 20 times in one and the other.
- Lying on the back, lift the basin and are in this position for one minute. The exercise that you must do in the three approaches.
These activities, and recipes help to detect the symptoms of prostatitis and efficient way, and does not cost much, using folk methods of treatment.